I'm Fabrizio Silvestri, an Italian in Sweden with never-stopping love for learning new tech. I am specialised in Web Development and Software tools to support DevX. I am passionate about coding and designing tech solutions for live problems.

I'm currently working full time as CTO for Moank AB, a cool heavy tech oriented bank based in Stockholm. I got "adopted" by the founders of the company in mid 2018 after graduating. The company was still at a Startup phase and I've been working on the development of the bank's core system since I was a Junior Developer.

During this career opportunity I had the chance to mature to my current position passing through the roles of Senior Developer and Engineer Project Manager. I refined my skills in the stack used by the company: React, NodeJS, Typescript, MongoDB, AWS Cloud and Docker. I also had the chance to work with Python and Falcon for some internal tools.

Given the small size of the company, I often had to wear multiple hats. I had the chance to work on the DevOps side, setting up the CI/CD pipelines and the infrastructure on AWS. I also worked with the Product team, helping panning the roadmap and the features for the projects. I became the tech reference for the company with the opportunity to mentor and lead the other developers in the team and support the meetings with external partners.

I started learning about web development in my early high school years, where I was introduced to small webpages with simple HTML, CSS and JS. After my high-school, I took the univeristy path to increase my skills in this fascinating IT world and I graduated in Computer Science at the University of Genoa, Italy. During my university years I had the chance to work on some small projects and I started to learn about the backend side of the web with PHP, C#, Java and MySQL. I also started to learn about the Linux world and the terminal, which is now my daily driver.

You can find some of my experimental side projects on my Github or on my Portfolio page. I usually don't update my portfolio page but all my recent one's are on github.

Outside of my work-life, I love to play Ukulele, doing Film Photography and Cooking. You can follow along about my life on my Instagram.